The Ordinary World compared to "The Student"

 The first stage of the hero's journey is "The Ordinary World". According to the literature dictionary, 'the ordinary world' is where we meet the hero and identify with him or her. To compare to the "The Student" by Anton Chekhov, I think the ordinary world in this story is when the Ivan appears as a clerical student. In the very beginning of this short story, the author is showing the dark and gloomy mood of the background. By this information, we can infer author is emphasizing cold and chilly history of Russia. In second paragraph, Ivan appears first time. This paragraph shows Ivan is hungry because of the god's Friday, and he felt history have felt the same cold and same wind with he feeling now. This infers Russian History doesn't change for example, no  change after revolution. Ivan thinks living as a Russian is unfortunate life and he wants change in Russian society. I think this is the paragraph of the ordinary world because Ivan, the hero of this story, came out and saying about the problems with the status quo and wants change.


  1. Good interperpretation of the Oridinairy World. The only thing missing is your rating and your thoughts/feelings towards the story. Otherwise good work.

    1. I'll make a new journal including the rating and thoughts! Thanks😊


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