My Wonderful Description of Flowers by Dannielle Dutton

 Rating: 5/10

I think this story is about female loneliness and masculinity, but author gives the message very ambiguous way of writing.

There is no mention about the characters' names. And all series of the stories look strange and unrelated, but if you look up it into just bit of deep way, it is saying same thing.

We can't even know why the narrator can't find her family, daughter and husband, and why she received and replied strange mail, and why she threw her phone and broke it.

Narrator parallels her into the game character of Video game "Daphne", who is isolated and the surrounding is dark and gloomy. 

While in the class, we talked about this story has similar point with "the visitor came in the night", but I can't agree and understand it. I think I need to read this story one more time and find out what author really wants to say and what is it about.


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